Welcome to the second Ideation Workshop

The initial Ideation phase of the scholarship programme consists of a mix of two one-day workshops, online self-study modules and hands-on sparring with experts and peers in February and March. 

The two workshops will take place at Musholm – Ferie, Sport og Konference, Musholmvej 100, 4220 Korsør.

All information about the programme as well as practical information will be posted in this LinkedIn Group

This is where you can communicate with other participants, find a ride or a study group. 

– Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn to get news and information about the programme https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/universal-design-hub/

Self-study modules

The Bevica Scholarship Programme includes three online self-study modules. The three modules provide a mix of book chapters, digital talks and lectures, scientific papers, and podcasts on the general themes of: Universal Design, Being Human and Leave No One Behind.

Each module consists of 10 references of which you are to select the 5 you find most relevant, and study the references at your own pace during Ideation (before 1 May 2023).

Full catalogue of references can be retrieved here.


18 March 2023, 09.00 – approx.19.00

Musholm – Ferie, Sport og Konference, Musholmvej 100, 4220 Korsør.

09.00 Arrival 


09.30 Kick Off/Welcome everyone to WORKSHOP 2 in Bevica Scholarship Programme (Camilla Ryhl)

09.45 Interdisciplinary Views/Meet experts and their work
How to create more inclusive products, environments, programmes and services ?

Services: Valeria Borsotti, Digital Anthropologist, PhD Fellow at University of Copenhagen.
Products: Inge Steen Pedersen, Occupational Therapist at Glostrup Hospital.

10.45 Break

11.00 Programmes: Jesper Holck, Team Tilgængelighed, Roskilde Festival/Roskilde Festival Charity Society

Environments: Christensen & Co, Janet Cohen Muntz, Laboratory Specialist / MA of Inclusive Architecture & Universal Design / Certified Accessibility Auditor/ Arch. Tech & Const. Management MAK. Nadia Sander Strange, Sustainability & SDGs / Evaluation / MA Cross Cultural Studies.

12.00 Expert Lounge/Q and A

12.30 Lunch Break

13.30 Tricks and Treats for Ideation (Regndans, Mark Hoppe)
Regndans is a strategic design company, who helps organizations discover, test and accelerate sustainable solutions.

At this workshop you will work in small groups and have the opportunity to get hands on experience with a series of design thinking tools. Through empathy, ideation and prototyping you will get a better understanding of the challenge you are working on. At the end of the day, you will have a better idea of what you know and what you need to explore in the coming weeks.

15.30 Coffee and Cake Break/Q and A

16.00 Peer Ping Pong/Development of Project Proposal (Group Work)

17.00 Make a Difference (Guest speaker)
Katja Iversen, Executive Adviser, Author, Board Member and Global Advocate. With extensive experience from leadership in civil society and the UN, she is an expert on International and Sustainable Development, Gender Equality & Women’s Rights, as well as the broader Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging agenda. https://katjaiversen.com/

17.45 Next Step (Camilla Ryhl)

18.00 Dinner

Practical information about the workshop

The Venue

Musholm was awarded the world’s most accessible holiday, sport and conference center in 2016.

Their goal is to include everyone, regardless of age and ability. Musholm is groundbreaking and unique in several ways. It integrates the accessibility  in its architecture in a natural way, and is a beautiful example of Universal Design.

All facilities used during the workshop are fully wheelchair accessible.

Musholm offers plenty of quiet areas, indoor as weel as outdoor if you or your personal assistant needs a break.

Read more about Musholm: https://en.musholm.dk/topmenu/about-musholm/accessibility-and-universal-design/

The Commute

By Train

You can get to Musholm Bugt Feriecenter by Train. 

Take the IC train to Korsør station. From here there is a 15 minutes walk to Musholm. 

By Car  

From the Funen side. Take E20, then take exit 43-Halsskov from E20 to Storebæltsvej. From storebæltsvej you turn left onto Musholmvej. Follow the road to Musholmvej 100 and you have arrived.

From the Sealand side. Take E20, then take exit 42-Korsør from E20 to Tårnborgvej, take the first exit at the roundabout to Storebæltsvej. From storebæltsvej you turn left onto Musholmvej. Follow the road to Musholmvej 100 and you have arrived.

You can also try to find a ride with a fellow participant in the LinkedIn group 

The Programme

All parts of the Ideation workshop will be in English.

Induction loop wil be available at all parts of the programme.

Links to handout ect. will be shared in the LinkedIn group  

More information about available accommodations will follow.

The Food

There will be a vegan and a vegetarian menu. Information about allergens will be available. 

 If you are bringing a personal assistant, please make sure we know so we can provide meals for them as well.